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Bad File Length 에러시 해결 본문


Bad File Length 에러시 해결

[Nac] 2015. 10. 12. 22:32

Unity web player에서 

나타나는 Bad File length 에러

Unity 엔진으로 만들어진 웹게임 중에서 뜬금없이 나타나는 에러 중 하나이다. 


1. Unity web playe를 제거한다.

2. Unity web playe를 재설치한다.

3. 또다시 Bad File length 에러가 나타나는 경우 ctrl + F5

공식 유니티 사이트에서 거론되는 이야기를 보면 유니티 웹플레이어 업데이트 과정 중에서 관리자 권한 또는 호스트 업체의 문제인것 같은데 문제 발생시 해결방법 1, 2를 패스하고 3번을 처음부터 시도해보는 것을 추천한다.

아래는 공식 유니티의 발언 모음이다.

위의 방법으로 해결이 안되면 공식사이트를 참조하길 바란다.


never experienced that.

perhaps the users had the 2.5 plugin installed as administrator and not correctly uninstalled before installing the 2.6 one without admin
ah well against download errors, the only thing you can do is host it on an hoster that has generally a better connection and especially one with far lower packet loss
do a longer ping against your webhost that hosts the file and see how many packet drops and high latency spikes you have so you know if you are forced to host it in a better place.

Its normally a download error, caused by bad connections or wanna-be security app inference caused by the realtime check of the data stream.

If you want to blame someone for these errors, please visit your browser developers page and let them know that you are not accepting that they offer such a bad technology.
Unity uses the browsers networking within the webplayer for any WWW related stuff (so caching, session etc is working), nothing own or 3rd party, so a failure on download is 100% browser caused, with unity as well as you being the victim.

You can get download errors even with the most modern browser and with bad connections or better bad connection quality you will get download errors. Unity can't adress problems that are an inherent part of the technology and WWW itself.
